
This is the demonstration of our work “Advanced Urban Public Transportation System for Indian Scenarios”[1]. It includes the location records of college shuttle bus trips between ISCON, Ahmedabad and PDPU, Gandhinagar. The project also includes the interactive implementation of automatic bus-stop detection and bus arrival time prediction. The location records are available in the LocationRecords folder. Further, the code and description for interactive implementation of automatic bus-stop detector and arrival time predictor are available in form of jupyter notebooks (unit-1 to unit-4). The implementation includes data preprocessing, creation of MongoDB database, automatic bus-stop detection, extraction of travel time, and arrival time prediction.

The development is based on open source softwares and libraries such as MongoDB and it’s python api pymongo, MQTT communication using EMQ broker and it’s client side API (eclipse’s paho-mqtt, pypi’s paho-mqtt), machine learning library: scikit-learn, scientific computation library: scipy, jupyter notebook, and android based applications developed in Android Studio.

Executing this project

The project can be executed either online using Binder or on a local system by installing the required softwares and starting MongoDB services and Jupyter notebook server.

Executing this project Online (Using Binder)

This project can be read, executed and interacted on the binder by clicking the badge below. The MongoDB installation and server setup are pre-requisite to start the execution of the project on the binder. Execution of Unit 0 MongoDB Installation (ONLY for BinderHub) will install the MongoDB server. Further, the MongoDB server should be kept running by keeping the last cell in the notebook of Unit 0 in running state (More information in unit-0).


Executing this project on a local system

The project can be read, executed and interacted on a local system by installing or meeting the software requirements mentioned in For executing the project on a local system, the jupyter notebook server and MongoDB server should be started using the commands described below:

  • Command to start the Jupyter notebook server:

foo@bar:~$ jupyter notebook
  • Command to start the MongoDB server:

foo@bar:~$ sudo service mongod start
  • Command to stop the MongoDB server:

foo@bar:~$ sudo service mongod stop


  • [1] P. Rajput, M. Chaturvedi, and P. Patel, “Advanced urban public transportation system for indian scenarios,” in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, ICDCN , India, January 04-07, 2019, 2019, pp. 327–336. doi: 10.1145/3288599.3288624.

Cite us

If you use any of the content of this project, we would appreciate citations to the following paper:

  • P. Rajput, M. Chaturvedi, and P. Patel, “Advanced urban public transportation system for indian scenarios,” in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, ICDCN , India, January 04-07, 2019, 2019, pp. 327–336. doi: 10.1145/3288599.3288624.